Friday, January 6, 2012

A trip down Wedding Ave.

A photographer can go down a million different avenues. There are nature photographers and fashion photographers and those who prefer architecture. Now, I will be honest with you, when I began down my photographic path I never said hey- I want to be a wedding photographer! But now, almost 2 years into Kristie Rae Images, it seems that I am certainly meanderring down the avenue of weddings. And as I think about it it's really no coincidence.  My passion is capturing people, freezing special moments, and telling their stories through images. What better platform for all of this than a wedding? I love the sentimental quality of what I get to do for each couple. I get to know the flavor and style of each bride that I work with and I love sharing a final product that captures the unique essence of each lady's special day. Every wedding brings new opportunities and challenges and  each one makes me a better visual story teller. I got to be part of some pretty incredible moments in 2011 but I'm really looking forward to 2012 which is sure to be the anniversary of many more beautiful weddings!  

On another note! Finding the perfect wedding album has been a real challenge. I have been on the hunt for an album that has personality but is still elegant. And I'll tell you, it is not easy to find!  Finally, after much research and much disappointment I found it! Kiss Wedding Books will now be the official album of Kristie Rae Images. They are colorful and classic, clean and creative and I think they are a perfect compliment to the images that will grace their pages for years to come.  Check them out! 

Here is a sample album I put together on Kiss. You can check out a slidshow version of the book here   

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